American Football Scores At Sloughbottom

Eastern Evening News, Saturday, December 15th 1984. Words by Dick Huchinson. Pictures by John Folkes.


In America they flock to the Superbowl. In norwich they flock to Sloughbottom Park. Because if you thought american football was just something to watch on Channel Four or to browse at in the USA holiday brochures, then you’re wrong.

“Grid-Iron” is a growing sport in Britain with even a national league and now its catching on in Norwich… at Sloughbottom Park every Sunday.

American coaches showing the British lads the way (From left to right) Mr Wayne Persinger (Head Coach), Mr. Greg Persinger, Mr. Oaul Silva, Mr. Micheal Applegate and Mr. Pete Stankowski.

American coaches showing the British lads the way (From left to right) Mr Wayne Persinger (Head Coach), Mr. Greg Persinger, Mr. Oaul Silva, Mr. Micheal Applegate and Mr. Pete Stankowski.

Above and below - Its all down to being really fit, so there's pleanty of emphasis on exercise. But what are those soccer post doing in the background!

Above and below – Its all down to being really fit, so there’s pleanty of emphasis on exercise. But what are those soccer post doing in the background!

High ball action Trans-Atlantic style

High ball action Trans-Atlantic style

High ball action Trans-Atlantic style

High ball action Trans-Atlantic style

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